Live Love Shop Local in Rockland

Over 50 amazing vendors signed up, we can’t wait to showcase your products, services, and local talent!  Rockland Arena.  

Metcalfe Spring Market at Greely Community Centre

Greely Community Center 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely, ON, Canada

Join us for our first annual spring farmers market. We figured with Easter not being until April this year we couldn't wait that long to see you so we have added a farmers market inContinue reading

Seedy Saturday Ottawa

691 Smyth Road 691 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON

Spring is just around the corner so it's time to start your seeds!

Seedy Saturday Carp

Spring is just around the corner!  Great time to start your seeds.  And get Haico's Hot Sauce too!

Easter Market Aylmer

Centre Aydelu 94 rue Patrimoine, Gatineau

day 2 of Aylmer's Easter Market

Carp Easter Market

Carp Fairgrounds 3790 Carp Road, Carp, ontario, Canada
